Monday, August 23, 2010

Materials and Free Choice

         I just took a quiz about what type of reader I am. The results are that I like to read drama and fiction. I sort of agree with the results. I love books packed with drama and action even I hate it in my own life. I also love suspense and mystery that  keep me on the edge of my seat.
         The last book I read and enjoyed was Deliver Me From Evil. It was about a woman that pretended to get kidnapped so she could get money from husband so she get divorce him. She felt had to do this because she had signed a prenup. As the "kidnapping" is in motion, she reminised about her life and how she had gotten where she was now. I loved this book because the it kept you on your toes and every few chapters had a new twist.
I would totally recommend this book to anyone who has my taste in books!